Humbled in Sickness: A Reminder That We Need God

I woke up today feeling weak, achy, and exhausted. My to-do list remained untouched, my energy depleted before I even got out of bed. There’s nothing quite like being sick to remind you just how human you are.

It doesn’t matter how strong, independent, or determined we think we are—when sickness hits, we are humbled. The simplest tasks become difficult. The body we rely on every day suddenly refuses to cooperate. And in those moments of weakness, we are reminded of a powerful truth: we were never meant to do this life on our own.

A Reminder of Our Limits

It’s easy to go through life believing we have everything under control. We make plans, chase goals, push through exhaustion, and rely on our own strength to get things done. But when sickness slows us down, it forces us to rest and recognize our limitations.

As much as we try to be self-sufficient, the truth is that we are completely dependent on God—for every breath, every ounce of strength, and every moment of healing. When we feel strong, we might forget that. But in weakness, we are given the gift of remembering who truly sustains us.

God’s Strength in Our Weakness

In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul writes:

“But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

God doesn’t ask us to be strong all the time. He doesn’t expect us to push through in our own power. Instead, He meets us in our weakness. His grace is enough. His strength carries us when ours runs out.

I’ll be honest—I don’t like feeling weak. I don’t like being forced to slow down. But in these humbling moments, I am reminded that I don’t have to have it all together. I don’t have to carry the weight of everything on my own. I can rest in the arms of my Father, knowing that He is holding me, even in my weakness.

Resting in God’s Care

If you’re feeling sick, weary, or just plain run-down today, I want to encourage you: God sees you. He cares about you. And He is with you.

  • Let yourself rest. You don’t have to earn your worth by being productive. Your value is not in what you accomplish but in who you belong to.
  • Pray for healing. God is our healer, and He loves when we come to Him with our needs.
  • Allow others to help. God often works through the hands of those around us. Letting someone care for you is not a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of trust.

Finding Gratitude in the Humbling

I wouldn’t have chosen to feel this way today, but even in this, I am grateful. Grateful for a God who meets me in my weakness. Grateful for the reminder that I don’t have to do everything in my own strength. And grateful that no matter how I feel, I am never alone.

If you’re feeling under the weather, know that I’m praying for you. And if you’re in a season of strength right now, remember to rely on God even when things are going well. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about our strength—it’s about His.

What About You?

Have you ever experienced a time when sickness reminded you of your dependence on God? How has He strengthened you in your weakness? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Jessica Beason

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