Living with Intention: How to Focus on What Matters Most

Hey there, friend. Let me start by saying that life can feel like a hamster wheel—running in circles, trying to keep everything together, and still wondering how you ended up with mismatched socks (again). I get it. As a single mom, I’ve had more than my fair share of moments where life felt like a chaotic blur. But over the years, I’ve discovered something: slowing down and living with intention can transform your life. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can.

Let’s talk about what it means to live with intention and, more importantly, how you can start focusing on what truly matters.

The Wake-Up Call

For me, the wake-up call came one evening as I found my youngest doodling a masterpiece on the wall (yes, the wall). I had been so busy managing work, errands, and a never-ending to-do list that I hadn’t noticed her quiet creativity until it was too late. I realized then that life was speeding by, and I was missing out on these precious, albeit messy, moments.

Living with intention isn’t about perfection; it’s about being present. It’s about slowing down long enough to notice the beauty in the little things—even if that beauty sometimes includes crayon murals. It’s recognizing that those little scribbles on the wall are stories your kids are writing in their own way—stories that will fade all too soon as they grow up and move on. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll look back at those murals and wish you could frame them.

Step 1: Identify Your Priorities

Let’s face it: we can’t do it all. And that’s okay. The first step to living intentionally is identifying what truly matters to you. Is it spending more time with your kids? Deepening your faith? Pursuing a passion that’s been on the back burner? Take a moment to jot down your top priorities. (Yes, write them down—otherwise, they’ll get lost in the mental clutter along with where you put your keys.)

For me, my priorities are my faith, my family, and creating a healthy, joyful home. Knowing these helps me make better decisions about how I spend my time and energy. It also reminds me to check in with myself regularly, asking if my choices align with these priorities or if I’m getting sidetracked by things that don’t truly matter. And let’s be real, there are plenty of distractions out there ready to steal your focus.

Step 2: Embrace the Power of “No”

If you’re a people-pleaser like I used to be (who’s kidding.. I still am!!), saying “no” can feel like climbing Everest without a sherpa. But here’s the thing: every “yes” to something that doesn’t align with your priorities is a “no” to something that does. Learning to say “no” is one of the most empowering ways to reclaim your time and focus.

Start small. The next time someone asks you to bake 72 cupcakes for the school fundraiser, feel free to smile and say, “Not this time, but good luck!” (Pro tip: store-bought cupcakes are always an option. Bonus pro tip: if you do bake, embrace the uneven frosting and slightly burnt edges—they’re called homemade “charm”.)

Step 3: Create Moments of Presence

We’re all guilty of letting distractions pull us away from what really matters. How often have you caught yourself scrolling through your phone while your kids are trying to show you their latest dance moves? Guilty as charged over here.

Put the phone down. Set aside time each day to be fully present. Whether it’s a family dinner without screens, a bedtime story, or a heart-to-heart conversation, these intentional moments create lasting memories. Trust me, TikTok will survive without you for 30 minutes.

Step 4: Celebrate the Little Wins

Living with intention isn’t about grand gestures or sweeping life changes. It’s about the small, meaningful choices you make every day. Did you spend an afternoon building a blanket fort instead of tackling the laundry? Victory! Did you carve out five minutes to pray or meditate? Celebrate it!

Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. Celebrate those little victories, like finishing your morning coffee while it’s still hot, or getting through the day without stepping on a single LEGO. And let’s be honest, the laundry will still be there tomorrow, waiting like an uninvited guest who just won’t leave.

Step 5: Give Yourself Grace

Here’s the truth: you’re going to mess up. You’ll have days when you lose your temper, forget a birthday, or fall back into old habits. And that’s okay. Living with intention isn’t about being perfect; it’s about trying again tomorrow.

Give yourself grace. You’re doing your best, and that’s enough. Remember, even on your hardest days, you’re the glue that holds your family together. (And sometimes that glue is made of coffee and sheer willpower—or let’s be honest, duct tape and a prayer.) Take a moment to acknowledge how much you’ve already accomplished, even if it doesn’t always feel like enough. You’re stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for.

Closing Thoughts

Living with intention is a journey, not a destination. It’s about choosing what matters most and letting go of the rest. It’s about savoring the little moments, finding joy in the chaos, and embracing the beauty of imperfection.

So, take a deep breath. Slow down. Look around. Your life is happening right now, and it’s worth every bit of your attention.

What are your favorite ways to live with intention? Drop them in the comments below—I’d love to hear from you! And remember, you’ve got this, one messy, beautiful moment at a time.